Positive Health –a state of well-being beyond mere absence of diseases, a state where one can live life to the fullest. The evolving science of Positive Health and wellness is to be given due importance- including knowledge of quantifiable health assets that depict enhancement of good health and reduce risk of illness.
Ayurveda + Positive Health = Perfect match
Before we get to Ayurveda for Positive health, let’s see the western approach.
Western Approach to positive health
Positive Health is related to three existing approaches concerned with good health:
- disease prevention
- health promotion
- wellness
Evidence indicates that positive health is a relative, dynamic state consciously created by engaging in actions and thoughts in the physical, social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, vocational, and environmental areas (Becker et al., 2009).
To achieve and continually improve positive health, a supportive, nurturing, and encouraging environment must be consciously and thoughtfully developed and improved continuously.
Ayurveda and Positive Health
The objective of Ayurveda are mainly two, the first being the maintenance of positive health and the other treatment of diseases.
Ayurveda deals elaborately with measures of healthful living during the entire span of life and its various phases. Besides dealing with principles for maintenance of health, it has also developed a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat illness. These principles of positive health and therapeutic measures related to physical, mental, social and spiritual welfare of human beings.
Health or sickness depends on the presence or absence of a balanced state of the total body matrix including the balance between its different constituents. Both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors can cause disturbance in the natural equilibrium giving rise to disease. This loss of equilibrium can happen by dietary indiscrimination, undesirable habits and non-observance of rules of healthy living. Seasonal abnormalities, improper exercise or erratic application of sense organs and incompatible actions of the body and mind can also result in creating disturbance of the existing normal balance. The treatment consists of restoring the balance of disturbed body-mind matrix through regulating diet, correcting life-routine and behaviour, administration of drugs and resorting to preventive therapy.
- Nattura Biocare for Positive Health
Nattura Biocare, provides products that facilitate your journey towards Positive health. We seek to built upon the traditional Indian knowledge of Ayurveda, combine it with latest knowledge on health & wellness. And create products in modern forms which enable better compliance.
Finally remember the journey towards Positive Health starts with your first step!
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